Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Rudy Fachruddin, SE.,M.Si.

Name                      :     Rudy Fachruddin, SE.,M.Si.
Place/date of birth    :     Medan, September 11, 1974
Sex                          :     Male
Nationality                :     Indonesian
Address                    :     Jl. Mesjid No.1 Tungkop Aceh Besar
Telephone                 :     081377168060
E-Mail Adress           :
Educations :
1994 – 1999             :  Bachelor Degree in Economics, field of study Management at Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
2000 – 2004             :  Master of Science in Accounting at Padjadjaran University, Bandung West Java.
Researches :
-     The Effects of  Professional Orientation, Budget Use for Performance Evaluation and Budgetary Participation on Role Conflict of Educator Accountant in Bandung City
-     The Effects of Budgetary Participation on Managerial Performance at PT Indonesia Power
-     The Effects of Asymmetry Information, Budgetary Participation and Organizational Commitment on Budgetary Slack at Private Universities in Bandung City
-     The Effects of Budgetary Participation and Organizational Commitment in Uncertainty Environment on Managerial Performance of Banking Company at Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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